Understanding Patient Protection as a Consumer in Health Care

Everyone should know the rights and obligations of consumer protection. Patients as consumers should know everything that is concerned with patient protection to ensure their own health. Knowing consumer protection actually has a noble goal, which is to eliminate practices that can harm either party as much as possible. This is aimed at the most vulnerable parties in the community, including children, pregnant women and seniors. Patient protection includes protection of patient rights, which include:
  • The right to choose a doctor.
  • Receive information related to the disease and treatment plan recommended by the doctor.
  • Approve treatment or medical action through medical approval.
  • Get comfort, security, and safety while being treated by a doctor.
  • Obtain confidentiality of medical information.
  • Get compensation if in reality the service or medicine received actually causes harm to the patient.
But keep in mind, in the context of medical bioethics, the relationship between doctor and patient in legal and ethical medical practice is different from the position of the patient as a consumer in other aspects. In medical practice, doctors provide services to treat and treat patients, not promising treatment results for the conditions suffered by patients. Therefore, patients and families need to understand that the practice of medicine is a service in the efforts of doctors to provide treatment and care according to the needs of patients, not fixated on the final results of the service obtained.

What Are the Rights of a Person as a Patient?

Patient protection is also attached to the health workers. This is evidenced by the need for doctors or other medical personnel to obtain medical consent (informed consent) when they want to take any medical action on patients. A written and verbal consent from the patient should be given after the patient has received a full explanation. Some of the things below are material that must be explained to patients by a doctor or the hospital:
  • Medical diagnosis and procedure.
  • The purpose of the medical action taken and its side effects.
  • Possible risks and complications.
  • Other alternative actions and risks.
  • Prognosis of the patient's condition for the actions taken.
Another thing that is also the patient's right in the context of patient protection is:
  • Get a complete explanation of the medical action.
  • Ask for opinions from other doctors.
  • Get appropriate services and in accordance with medical needs.
  • Refuse medical treatment.
Not only doctors, hospitals or health care providers are also interested parties in implementing consumer protection for patients. For example the hospital, must provide information about the rights and obligations of patients. In addition, the hospital is obliged to provide services that are humane, fair, honest, and without discrimination to patients. Consumer protection for patients also includes the right of patients to obtain quality health services in accordance with professional standards and operational procedures standards set by the government. Another right for patients guaranteed by law is to get effective and efficient services so as to avoid physical, emotional and material harm. Patients also have the right to choose a doctor and class of treatment in accordance with their wishes, but still must follow the rules in force in the hospital. In addition to the above matters, the protection of patients who are their rights when undergoing treatment in hospital according to the regulations written in the law, namely:
  • If there is, submit a complaint regarding the quality of service obtained.
  • Ask for consultation about the illness suffered by other doctors who have a Practice License (SIP) both inside and outside the hospital where treatment.
  • Obtain privacy and confidentiality of medical information related to diagnoses of illnesses, including data on medical records.
  • Obtain information that includes diagnosis and procedures for medical action, the purpose of treatment and medical action, alternative actions, risks and complications that may occur, and the prognosis of personal conditions for the actions taken and the estimated cost of treatment.
  • Give approval or refuse actions to be given by health workers for the illness.
  • Accompanied by the family when in critical condition.
  • Doing worship according to religion or beliefs held as long as it does not interfere with other patients.
  • Get guaranteed security and safety while being treated in hospital.
  • Submitting suggestions, suggestions, and improvements to the treatment of the hospital.
  • Suing and / or suing the hospital if it is suspected to have provided services that are not in accordance with the standards, both civil and criminal.
  • Complaining about services from hospitals that are not in accordance with service standards through print and electronic media in accordance with statutory provisions.
On the other hand, in addition to getting protection for their rights, the patient also has obligations that must be carried out while he is being treated at the health service agency. For example, a patient must provide complete and honest information about his health problems, obey the advice and instructions of the doctor, comply with the applicable provisions in which he is seeking treatment, and provide compensation for the services received.


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