MMR Vaccine Can Cause Autism, Here Are the Facts
MMR vaccine is a vaccine given with the aim that the body is protected from mumps, measles, and rubella. Although aimed at protecting the body, but this vaccine is not free from controversy, which is considered to make children experience autism. Find out the facts about the MMR vaccine here. MMR vaccine is a combination of an effective and safe vaccine against mumps, measles and rubella. These injections contain viruses from all three diseases, which have been weakened first. The vaccine is injected into the upper arm muscle or thigh. MMR vaccine is given in optimal doses when the child is 15 months old, then given a booster or booster dose at the age of 5 years. This MMR vaccine will trigger the immune system to produce antibodies, so that later it is ready to fight the rubella virus, measles and mumps. Understanding the Risk of MMR Vaccine Side Effects Generally the MMR vaccine does not have significant side effects. Even if there is, a mild side effect that may be felt is red...